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Can't download on Android 😔

Don't worry, you can play on yor phone with browser (html version of this game) ;-)


I find it funny that I can bake cookies with nothing but 10 scoops of flour, and that I can also make a batch of cookies with literally nothing in the bowl lol fun game


Such a fun and cute game, really enjoyed it thank you. 


Thank you for playing! This was a really enjoyable video thank you for making it! :) 


Please make more types of cookies I will be donating 100$ to one of these games! more is on discord :


Fun little game <3


It won't load :(



this is so cute and fun to play 

love this! congrats on making this game!


i can only make 1 batch of cookies :(


it would be cool if you could make different types of cookies liek double chocolate cookies or something



super cute


Love the game, wish there was more creativity tho! (Like being able to make frosting or other shapes of cookies)  Very cute, took a while to load in the web version. Still great


Aww, this is really cute! I like how Chippany is friendly and relaxed on the outside but is always sighing on the inside though XD


Cute and relaxing <3


I've been trying to play this but the loading wheel thing goes away and leaved me and when I download it the screen just shows up as a gray scree with a white square in the top right corner while the music plays :')

maybe try the app and launch it from their 

Thank you! That was such a relaxing and cute little game. Love it!!

this was so fun and calming!! i love the art style and it really makes a difference to all the horror games on here :) thank you for making this, it's appreciated 



Seu jogo está incrível, aguardo mais conteúdo e novas receitas, mas está de parabéns! Eu coloquei seu jogo no meu canal, da um pulo lá!

Love the art style!  Great game!

Wanna see a cat play your game poorly? Anyways, the game was absolutely wonderful. Adorable aesthetic, cute dialogue, fun music choice. Really love the vibes. 

Deleted 3 years ago

not these ones, these ones used brown sugar

I tried using all eggs, how did I end up with something that looks like batter

delightful little game. fun premise and the art is fantastic. i would love to see any continued development on this game or another with this art style; id give money to play it. kudos!


i try playing it in browser but it's not loading.. then I dowloaded a Windows version but it's apparently missing a component? :(


You just have to wait a long time (5-15 min)


oh, ok. im not doing that lol but thanks anyways


this was a really calming game! (i love your art style) 


Really cute game! Relaxing music and very cute art. First round i forgot to read the recipe and didn't put any ingredients inside before placing the cookies in the baking tray (how i don't know ahahah). After i got the fail state, i got the recipe hint and all worked well. very nice experience and great job :)


Really glad you enjoyed, means a lot that you played thanks so much!


The art is adorable and so charming! It's a lovely relaxing game. I love the cookie for when you get just a few things wrong (looks more like the cookies I make hah) and I love the dialogue for Chip. Lovely work!


Thank you so much! And haha Baking cookies is an underrated art that takes years to master. I still mess mine up all the time and I consider myself a baker!

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it :) 


I'm just mesmerized with the art style. Great job!

Thank you so much! It’s a new style I’ve been playing around with and I find it really fun to draw in so that means a ton thank you so much!


Short, nice, relaxing, enjoyable. Great art, some very fitting background music. Not much to say on this to be honest except... yeah, this is pretty good, especially for a game jam.

(I write a barely three sentence long comment, now that's a rare one.) 


Thanks so much John! Really appreciate that :D Glad you enjoyed!!


This was a pretty neat and chill game.

Nicely done!


Thank you so much! I was going for chill so I'm so happy to hear you liked it :D

I thought this game was amazing! you made a baking game that is actually like baking! Even waiting for the cookies to come out the oven was suspenseful and exciting. I know that you have limited time, but here are some ideas of things that you could add in the future. 

Firstly, I think you need something happening when the cookies are baking, (I thought my game had crashed,) This could bee steam wafting from the oven, dialog saying the smell nice, or even a timer ticking down. 

Maybe some different recipes would be cool, like cake or other cookies. You could be able to bake something again, instead of going to the home screen. Maybe you could earn points to get new recipes. 

(2 edits)

On the downloaded version it actually takes you right into baking but I realized it made it impossible to view the credits when that happened haha. I wanted to make a "bake to menu" button but I only got the web build version out at the last minute so I couldn't end up adding it so that this was a decent work around :P Definitely agree just going right into baking again feels nicer! But if you play again it does generate a new recipe and remembers that you viewed the tutorial and doesn't show that to you again!

But yeah I actually initially thought of the idea of also having cookies that you would have to roll out and cut out shapes because that sounded really fun, but that obviously was out of scope for the jam.

And idk if sound wasn't working but while you're waiting it does have dramatic sounds haha it has a timer noise that goes off and then a drumroll!

But I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I am strongly considering adding more to this cause I had a lot of fun working on it so I do appreciate all the input these are all good suggestions!

This was really fun and relaxing! I love the art style! Only complaint is it's very bright overall and was difficult to read the white text on a pale background at times.

Totally fair! It's especially bad on some resolutions. I wanted to play with the idea that it was "icing" but definitely probably should've added a text shadow for further readability. Thanks so much for your feedback! I greatly appreciate it!

(1 edit)

Grinning from ear to ear while play this. Incredibly cute look and absurdly professional. Played it twice through. I could imagine coming back to this just to calm down. Peaceful energy.


This means the world to me, thank you so much! I made it partially for myself as a nostalgic therapeutic relaxing experience because I've played mini games like this in other games and kept coming back to them when I just wanted a chill moment, so I'm really happy to hear you found peacefulness in it too!

Thank you so much for playing!

Congrats on submitting the game!

As always cute art, love the chill music too :)

Is this recipe safe to try IRL ? ahhaha

Thank you so much!

And haha I originally wanted to put real recipes in the game, but their measurements are a lot messier. This actually somewhat randomly creates a recipe with some influence by me on things I've seen baking (reasonable mins and maxes generally sometimes fudged a bit for variance) So...maybe?

They might not taste the best but I'd be curious to see how some of them would turn out haha.

very fun idea! Chip is so cute! I loved the art for the dialog

Thank you so much!

I had a ton of fun designing and drawing her talking sprites, they were one of the first things I made and it was part of my motivation for finishing the game haha


So utterly charming. I thought it was so cute, simple premise but I can imagine a nice management sim being tacked onto this.

Couldn't help but smile a little playing this though,

This means so much to me! Thank you so much for taking the time to play and leave this feedback!

Looks awesome, and the music, sound effects and art really work amazing together to create a real bakery feeling. Good job!

 gameplay is a bit lacking though. 

I purposely made it really simple, especially considering I was working alone for a weekend long game jam haha. But I also made it in the style of cooking mini games in some games I played as a kid, it's just somehow therapeutic for me! And very nostalgic haha.

Totally get that its not a gameplay loop that's compelling for everyone though haha. Idk why I find it fun I just do :P It's kinda silly but I like it.

Thank you so much for playing!

Well, the simplicity definitely makes it super relaxing and therapeutic somehow.


Nice game, very art focused, clearly. It would be nice for some feedback to tell the user when not to do things. For instance, I was trying to get flour without the cup and thought the flour was just broken. Maybe have a X cursor indicating a mistake or have a hint to pick up the cup.


That's fair feedback! I wanted to try and do something along those lines, and ended up just having Chip say something about using the cup but I know it's still not the most intuitive unfortunately. The X is a good suggestion! I might play around with that some, thanks!

Really appreciate the feedback and thanks for taking the time to play the game!


I love the mood and the feeling, and especially the art. Awesome job :)

Thank you so  much! I spent a lot of time on just the art assets so that means a lot thank you so much!

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